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A song from your favorite band.  I know many of you are expecting Smashing Pumpkins here, but I just can’t say they’re my favorite band anymore.  I know, I know, get out your fans and clutch your pearls ladies.  While I still love their catalog (Remember day one? Soma is my favorite song!), these days, Iron and Wine has my heart.  And just like I met Billy Corgan when I was at the height of my obsession, I met Sam Beam as well.  If you’ve talked to me in the past four years I’m sure I’ve mentioned it. 😉

The “a” song is difficult.  One of my favorite recordings from them is actually a cover, Love Vigilanties, but I can’t do that because that would ignore all of their amazing original songs. I have multiple years and albums to consider, but I think I’m going to go with something off the new album, but I’m still going to cheat a bit.  Here’s Half Moon from Kiss Each Other Clean, but it just so happens to be at the first song of the Tiny Desk concert he did for NPR.  So, I mean, if you *want* to keep watching you totally can.  I love the album a lot, but there are a few spots where I think Sam’s voice is a bit over processed.  I don’t think I’d feel this way if I hadn’t heard it live first, but when I heard Rabbit Will Run I was just so excited to know that I would own that song soon, but the album version is distorted, and I want the stripped version as well.  I will probably get that at ACL Festival this fall though – that will be fantastic.

Wait, what?  You want the live version of Rabbit Will Run too?  Ok, fine.  Don’t ever say I ‘ve never done nothin’ for you.


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A song you can dance to.  I was way overthinking this one. I went through all the songs on my dance!, feel better fast, acceptance, sheer joy, and frou frou mixes and there were so many great ones.  In the end I just let my soul and my feet figure it out.  This is what they came up with, my brain said “duh! Why didn’t I think of that!” I tried to explain to it that it did, be me explaining anything to it is really it explaining it to itself so anything I know about what it knows it knows too. However, let’s just take a few steps back and say, yes, it was my soul and my feet that came up with this one.

Sorry for the pixelated video.  I thought the fan-made tribute was kinda neat.

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