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I had a laptop-free day yesterday, so please excuse the late post. I know you’ve all been on the edge of your seats.

A song you wish you heard on the radio. This one was a no-brainer. I hope this also helps placate those of you whose souls are troubled after learning about my open relationship with the Pumpkins. The few times I’ve heard this on the radio have been euphoric, or should I say, EARPHORIC! HAHAHAHAHA! Oh Smashing Pumpkins jokes . . .

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A song that you often hear on the radio. I don’t often listen to anything but NPR and my iPod. In this town the only music on our public radio station is classical and jazz. I cannot listen to jazz. I would rather eat lima beans than listen to jazz.

If I happen to be driving during a non-talk NPR time and don’t have my iPod I usually turn on the classic country station. They only play like twelve artists. This song seems to come on a lot. I totally don’t sing along.

God, remember when Kenny Rogers looked like Kenny Rogers.

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