
You are currently browsing the archive for the Music category.

Today’s entry is a song that no one expects that you would love.  Secret shame songs?

I’m really outing myself with this one.  I feel that with this and yesterday’s romp in GleeLand, I’m losing the wisp of indie cred I’ve cultivated over the past ten years.

This was totally one of my teen anthems. It was angsty, but it was about GIRLS! I finally had angst of my own kind and didn’t have to coop male angst.  I feel less angsty now, but if this comes on, I won’t be able to hold back.  I’ll end up jumping around and singing – possibly into a hairbrush.

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A song that’s a guilty pleasure. This one and tomorrow’s overlap, again. Seriously, who made these categories? On day 30 I’m going to make a new one. Yessiree, although it won’t be a meme. I’ll never be meme. Poor me(me).

Ok, guilty pleasure. This one is tough. I’m pretty open about my music as I scrobble everything on You can, however, delete songs from your scrobble list. Lots of people do this. As of April 2011, it’s mainly to expunge a Lady Gaga record record.

I guess there are a few things I shut my door for. Although I think this is ridiculously awesome and that the two of them sound absolutely phenomenal together. I do feel like this falls into guilty pleasure.

Ok, I’m 20 seconds into the video, checked my door to make sure it’s shut and am already dancing around my office. Let me go lock that door . . .

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