but I love stories about strange research projects. (Which is one of the reasons I love Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me so much.)
I’m not sure how this came up as a topic for study, but it makes sense, well the study, not the result. For the past three years the folks at McAfee, the anti-virus software company, have conducted research to find out who the “most dangerous celebrity” is. Meaning the celebrity whose name when entered into a search engine is likely to bring up the most sites associated with malware.

see?! that's the price for fame. now leave jt alone.
I still don’t really understand why it’s Jessica Biel. Maybe the sites think rabid Justin Timberlake fans will be so blinded by rage and envy that they won’t realize they are putting themselves and their computers into a dangerous situation? The only time I really think of Jessica Biel is when she’s on Go Fug Yourself. I didn’t watch whatever show she was on. 7th Heaven? Which I only know because of the titles of the posts on GFY.
Sorry if this isn’t very funny. It’s 4:30 am, I’ve been up most of the night with a sick cat, and I’m just trying to get through the next two hours until the vet’s office opens. I was considering going to the emergency vet last night, but that is an ordeal and a half, and I know she will be much better off with the fabulous Dr. B. I had to take her to the emergency hospital once, right before Christmas last year. It was awful. That place absolutely reeked of overly-flowery plug-in air fresheners. It seems like we spent a lot of money for unnecessary tests, and then were just referred back to Dr. B anyway. That was a rough week with about four vet visits. She’s been wary of the vet since and has tried to escape the last two times we were there. She’s so lethargic today though, that I don’t see that as a problem. Last night I was able to get a pill in her mouth without having to hold her down. So, I’m worried. Let’s all hope for the best.