PhD Life

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  • I met with my advisor today which was a pleasant experience, as usual. I feel incredibly lucky for this.
  • One of the things we discussed is that I really should lift weights if I’m going to make it through this program.
  • I had half a bell pepper and three Cadbury Creme Eggs for dinner.
  • My summer course was approved – so I’m teaching a version of my Women in Sitcoms class.
  • I was able to hire my former intern as my TA. I’ve given that kid a job twice! He’s been an amazing worker and will probably fly through the ranks in the library world. I am trying to be nice to him so he’ll hire me when I finish this degree. 😉
  • It has been 9 weeks since I broke my foot and sprained my ankle, and I am still wearing an aircast but am thankfully off crutches.
  • I’m doing directed readings this summer, so I will probably be no fun to talk to unless you’re really interested in information literacy, education, information seeking, and libraries. Although, because of my class, I’ll talk a bit about sitcoms, gender studies, and social justice as well.
  • I am the world’s slowest grader, and I can’t use that app from the UNC professor because my students’ projects are online.
  • My favorite thing about this semester is getting to play with numbers. Psychometrics is awesome.


Hey, LL faithful! Who, I’ve come to learn is my cousin Pat. (hi!)

Graduate School (round two) is here, and I’m off and running, stumbling, crawling.

Here are the things I’ve learned so far:

  • For me, making the transition from faculty member/teacher/professional back to student was five times harder than my move from student to professional.
  • Being a good student is never going to come naturally to me. I am going to have to fight procrastination and my own brilliant attempts at self sabotage.
  • I’m going to do those things, because my work is important and my ideas are worth exploring.
  • I won’t feel like that ↑ all or even most of the time.
  • Spending time with my students will remind me of all of that.
  • Because as much as we complain about kids these days/millennials, how college kids now don’t have it 1/5 as rough as we did – PAPER INDICES!, REGISTRATION BY PAPER CARD/TELNET/PHONE! – they’re still working and learning things.
  • Seeing my students learn and being able to help in that process teaches me more than any years of school ever could.
  • But, school helps me with the methods to create and assess sustainable change and introduces me to new things/people/ideas.
  • So, even though I’m most likely going to limp across the finish line. I’m in it. Let’s do this.

*ok, I’ll probably sprint across, because if you’ve ever watched an amateur race of any length you’ve noticed that everyone kicks it up and sprints across the finish line. Even if they’ve walked the last 14 miles. So, I will sprint. In kick-ass shoes and unapologetically bright burnt-orange regalia.

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