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I am addicted to lists. I live and die by my to-do lists. At the end of each month I put the quantifiable information into a spreadsheet. There is a corresponding Word document that has details about certain entries. The spreadsheet has categories like classes taught, abstracts submitted, conferences attended, and all those other things that I will need to know when I go up for tenure. The Word document has the deets. It also has the numbers, but it says what kind of classes, what the abstract subject was and where I submitted it, and what, where, and when the conference was. I keep all of my paper to-do lists and put them in a three ring binder, the color of the ink on the to-do lists matches the color of the binder – except for one week when I could not find my purple pen. I can tell you what I did at work pretty much everyday since I started my job 11 months ago. Yeah, I like lists. I also like music. A lot. I have music playing all day everyday. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I work in a library and should probably turn my music down, but the library bought me nice speakers, and I feel like I owe it to them to use them. If you’ve read this blog before, you might remember that I really like making playlists. I am now completely addicted to 8tracks.com. I finally have a venue for my dozens of playlists. This week I finished a series on the five stages of grief. I have been building these lists since 2006 when a friend and I were going through corresponding tough times. They are still “a living document” as we say in the biz, but I’m including them here for your listening pleasure. Well, your listening denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

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