
ALA Council (2008). Code of Ethics of the American Library Association. Retrieved from
Code of ethics for librarians, established in 1939 and revised most recently in 2008. Embodies the ethical responsibilities of the professional librarian in a changing information environment.
Alexander, L. B., & Miselis, S. D. (2007). Barriers to GLBTQ collection development and strategies for overcoming them. Young Adult Library Services, 5(3), 43-49.
Survey of GLBTQ library materials, programming and challenges to published resources, and suggestions to aid in selection criteria for these materials.
Bales, S. E., & Engle, L. S. (2012). The Counterhegemonic Academic Librarian: A Call to Action. Progressive Librarian, (40), 16-40.
A blend of theory and practice designed to motivate librarians to push past the status quo and become change agents on their campus.
Betz, J. (2012). Library as Safe Space-Librarian as Ally. GLBTRT Newsletter: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, & Transgendered Round Table, 24(1), 4.
Discusses the role of the library as a safe space, stressing the need for libraries (especially high school libraries) to carry materials that present the LGBTQ subjects positively.
Cabrera, A. F., Nora, A., Terenzini, P. T., Pascarella, E., & Hagedorn, L. (1999). Campus Racial Climate and the Adjustment of Students to College: A Comparison Between White Students and African-American Students. Journal Of Higher Education, 70(2), 134-60.
Feagin, J. R., Vera, H., & Imani, N. (1996). The Agony of Education. Black Students at White Colleges and Universities.
Mehra, B., & Braquet, D. (2007). Library and Information Science Professionals as Community Action Researchers in an Academic Setting: Top Ten Directions to Further Institutional Change for People of Diverse Sexual Orientations and Gender Identities. Library Trends, 56(2), 542-565.
Case study examining the barriers and challenges faced by local LGBTQ individuals toward self-fulfillment and social and political empowerment, and how librarians, as information professionals can promote community awareness and organizational change.
Pascarella, E. T., & Terenzini, P. T. (1991). How College Affects Students: Findings and Insights from Twenty Years of Research.
Pascarella, E. T., & Terenzini, P. T. (2005). How College Affects Students: A Third Decade of Research. Volume 2.
Rankin, S., Weber, G., Blumenfeld, W., and Frazer, M.S. (2010). 2010 State of Higher Education for LGBT People. Charlotte, NC: Campus Pride.
Schaller, S. (2011). Information Needs of LGBTQ College Students. Libri: International Journal Of Libraries & Information Services, 61(2), 100-115.
Qualitative, small-group, case study of LGBTQ student information needs - discusses general issues (e.g. library anxiety) and concerns specific to the LGBTQ community.